Mirrors & Reflectors
McDanel Provides extensive range of sizes for glass reflectors and optics. McDanel is a leading manufacturer of quality, high-volume, low-cost precision reflectors, lenses, windows and optics as well as large and massive glass reflectors. Our custom-built furnaces are designed to manufacture large optics at a low cost as compared to traditional ground and polished mirror blanks.
Small products can be manufactured from glass, sapphire, fused quartz, and fused silica, while large products are primarily produced in borosilicate, fused quartz, and soda lime glass but can be made from other materials as well.
Key Features
- Range of forms: Simple, complex (parabolic, ellipsoidal, aspheric) and flat shapes.
- Small size applications: Includes precision glass micro-optics for endoscopes, small optics for laser applications, precision mini sapphire and glass reflectors for fiber optic applications, and lenses & reflectors for LED products.
- Large size applications: Includes glass reflectors & optics for solar power generation & heating, optics for imaging & display applications, reflectors for space & aeronautical systems, and reflectors & optics for telescope & optical detection arrays.
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Purity, Precision &

Customization at every scale