Max Use Temperature
Mullite is a refractory oxide material combining low thermal expansion, good mechanical strength, and resilience at elevated temperatures.

Mullite (3Al2O32SiO2) is a refractory oxide material combining low thermal expansion, good mechanical strength, and resilience at elevated temperatures. McDanel Mullite is formulated to produce dense, impervious shapes, with optimized thermal shock resistance and strength.
… Standard McDanel Mullite products include various single and multi bore tubes that are available for purchase online. We also have significant capabilities for producing custom engineered Mullite products. Give us a call at a location near you, or fill out our Request for Quote form, so one of our experienced engineers can assist you in the material selection and design of your advanced ceramic component.
MV20 and MV-HR1 are dense mullites formulated to offer high quality economical options for moderately high temperature applications.
MV30 is an extremely versatile and economical material. Its workability allows an extensive range and flexibility in fabrication. It is well suited for the casting of special shapes and larger tubes.
Typical Uses
Insulators and thermocouple protection sheaths in oxidizing conditions for base metal thermocouples. Furnace muffle tubes. Limited to temperatures up to 1500°C.
Thermocouple protection tubes, target and sight tubes, furnace muffles, diffusion furnace liners, combustion tubes, radiant furnace tubes and kiln rollers.