Sapphire exhibits exceptional performance in a number of applications that require extreme robustness.

There are numerous sapphire growth methods & grades. Generally, the higher the grade the better the transmission in the UV and IR, and the less light scatter and lattice distortion. The best grades, in particular, UV grade will not solarize.EFG (Stepanov)—Edge defined growth method (to be exact, Edge-Defined Film-Fed Growth) for near net growth of tubes & large sheets. Better quality than Verneuil, but not as pure & defect free as Kyropoulos or CZ. Excellent for most window applications including scanner windows & viewports and lower cost than Kyropoulos & HEM
Kyropoulos & CZ—Excellent optical properties, ideal method for most optical applications except long exposure high UV & extreme power threshold requirements. Also preferred for high purity applications like semiconductor, LED fabrication & high purity chemistry
HEM—The best quality sapphire, but difficult to acquire & considerably more costly compared to other grades. Quality compared to Kyropoulos usually not significant enough to justify cost for most applications. Best for extreme power & UV applications & for when zero fluorescence &/or high-power threshold is required
Typical Uses
- High temperature and chemical resistant windows
- Components for plasma processing systems
- Use in UV and IR lamps